Joe Herr snapped this amazing photo.
What rain? City workers in rain gear were out a Five Corners Wednesday morning making the roundabout a little nicer looking. They had an appreciative fan in Carol Murray, president of Edmonds in …
You can always count on Edmonds residents to get into the Halloween spirit. In addition to the Scarecrow Festival, the number and variety of decorations in all neighborhoods seemsto grow each …
Fall is here and the leaves are turning, but they're not quite fully ablaze. Soon. On a sunny Sunday, Oct. 8, there was a smattering of people taking in the day, but certainly not as many as …
Fall is here and the leaves are turning, but they're not quite fully ablaze. Soon. On a sunny Sunday, Oct. 8, there was a smattering of people taking in the day, but certainly not as many as …
Henry Draper sent us this photo of a varied thrush grubbing on his rockery. "The rockery was recently weeded," said Draper, "and apparently there are lots of tasty grubs to be had in the …
A beautiful sunset in Edmonds was captured Wednesday, Oct. 4, by local photographer Lee Lageschulte. A lighted ferry completes the image.
The Edmonds Marsh is always a beautiful sight/site. But even more so as the day progresses and the light begins to fade, bringing splendid color to the skies and illuminating the 22.5-acre treasure …
Chanterelle staff, from the 1990s up to present day, gathered Tuesday, Sept. 12, to celebrate and share memories as the long-running Main Street restaurant closing after more than three decades. …
Local photographer Bob Sears came across the Kirschten family observing an osprey at the Edmonds Marsh during last weekend's Puget Sound Bird Fest in Edmonds. The family is reacting to the osprey …
Every so often, the "Locals" need a little sprucing up. The popular sculpture on the waterfront was created by Georgia Garber, whose work includes the famous pig "Rachel" at Pike Place Market. …
The wildfire smoke returned to Edmonds and Western Washington again recently, which now seems to be an annual occurrence. Lee Lageschulte captured this image of a cruise ship making its way …
Melissa Duits' neighbor recently stopped by for breakfast. An osprey called, too, but had to run. But Duits captured a closeup of the bird, holding her cellphone up to binoculars.
Edmonds photographer Brittany Brigham captured the northern lights from the Edmonds waterfront Friday, Aug. 4. They made a brief appearance at about 11 p.m. Wikipedia says it best: Auroras …
Melissa Duits took this shot of the sunset on Aug. 6. "Shot from Talbot Road," she wrote. "Never the same. Never gets old." We agree.
It's not the first time. In fact, it's becoming an all-too-common issue. Yes. Another boat has washed up on the beach. This one has been high and dry for several weeks south of the dog park, …
Readers send us a lot of great sunset pictures. But this one shows a different perspective. Roger BelAir submitted this photo of his wife, Candace BelAir, from the deck of their home. Keep …
The Port of Edmonds and South County Fire's Marine 16 used high-powered streams of water to clean the Edmonds Marina breakwater July 18. The goal, achieved: To wash away built-up bird droppings …