Photographer Amanda Thornton-DeWitt captured two excellent images of the Edmonds Fishing Pier and the breakwater this week.
Look across Puget Sound to the Olympics. See that? Photographer Lee Lagesculte sent us this beautiful shot. She did the same last year, when the snow arrived on the mountains at about the …
Local photographer Lee Lageschulte counts Halloween as one of her favorite times of year, and she’s always ready to share pictures.
Ken Bellingham of the Edmonds Bakery, along with his grandkids and friends, proudly display their world-class collection of rocks at Brackett’s Landing on Monday. Even though several rocks …
The ferry, beautiful sunset colors, and the mountains. It’s a classic landscape from Edmonds, taken recently by Barry Johnson.
Retired marine biologist Joe Scordino is known around town as an active supporter of the Edmonds Marsh. Now his grandson, Jacob Scordino, may become known as a catcher of large chinook salmon. …
Anyone remember these? Emma and Abby Martinez try out a very old typewriter on the Edmonds Historical Museum’s plaza during Saturday’s Summer Market Aug. 3. The handlebar …
Lewis Abrahms plays his guitar as people take in yet another glorious summer day at the Edmonds waterfront. "Are we lucky or what?" asks photographer Bob Sears. The …
The Brackett’s Landing jetty is always a premium spot to capture a sunset. This past weekend's warm weather brought many to Edmonds beaches – many stayed to watch the brilliant …
Many marveled at the weekend’s sunsets from our clear and hot weekend. Melissa Duits captured this great shot on Sunday, May 12, from Talbot Road.
Reader Joshua Phelps contributed this photo from the Edmonds waterfront: “I found the scene pretty charming, with the father and son playing on the beach while the swimmer bobs out in the …
Shawn Siers shared a photo of a weasel at Brackett's Landing North one recent morning. "They are native to Washington but rarely seen," he wrote. "It was very exciting to see it!" …
Local photographer Shea Sullivan joined the WSU Snohomish County Beach Watchers for last month’s low-tide event sponsored by the City of Edmonds and came away with this great shot. The …
The ferry lighted at night always makes for a great picture. Local photographer Amanda Thornton-DeWitt proves that with this gorgeous image. “Can you spot the eagle?” she writes. …
Photographer Janine Harles captured a California sea lion (Zalophus Californianus) at play in the waters off Edmonds. These mammals can be seen can be seen, and heard, on beaches, breakwaters, and …
Local photographer Lee Lageschulte is known to Beacon readers for her many pictures of the ferry, sunsets, and – especially – her highlighting of decorations around town for Halloween, Easter, …
Edmonds resident Henry Draper says he didn't even know there was a chestnut-backed chickadee, "which is how my trusty iPhone identifies this striking specimen." " Another lovely bird, one of my …
Edmonds resident Henry Draper discovered a new bird the other day. "So I saw a flash of yellow in the cherry tree," he wrote. "Hmm, Goldfinch? Nope: iPhone says 'ruby-crowned kinglet.' Another bird …